Now that I have finished my Masters of Arts in Teaching at SUNY Cortland, and local schools are currently on holiday break, I have had a significant amount of time on my hands. Sure, I have kept myself busy making sure I have all of my paperwork in for subbing, and trying to get my ducks in a row so that I can start my job at F-M High School in March, but mostly I have been catching up on sleep, playing our new Wii, and reading a TON!
Finally that pile of books I have accumulated in the "Must Read" pile are getting some much needed attention. I started with Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. If you read The Hunger Games- which you must- Catching Fire is the equally the you-won't-get-any-sleep-until-you-have-turned-the-very-last-page-suspense novel. Good stuff!
Next up, I finally got around to I Am The Messenger by Zusak. I had highly anticipated reading it, but it was well worth the wait! It is amazing to me that he also wrote The Book Thief, because the protagonists in each novel are so drastically different from each other. Very well-crafted.
Those of you who know me well, know that I am a sucker for a pre-sale book. I am constantly pre-ordering things from various online sources and ripping packages open in excitement when they arrive. Rarely, however, do I get to immediately open the book and begin to read. This was also the case with Dan Brown's (yea, I know- I'm a sucker for a conspiracy theory!) latest book- The Lost Symbol. I finally started it yesterday and I am already about halfway done.
I am excited tonight about meeting some friends out for dinner, but I just can't wait to get back home to put on my sweats and read my book!
Does this make me a bad person? ;)
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