Monday, November 2, 2009

Case of the mondays...

On days like this, when the weather is less than stellar and my mood is blah, I make a list of things I am looking forward to. This is in no way related to the other list I have that dictates all of the things I need to clean in my apartment. Let's make lists to distract ourselves from other lists... this is healthy, right?

#1 NYC! In a few short weeks I will be headed to New York to shop and hang with ma dukes. I haven't been there in awhile, but going there always centers me. It's like being somewhere that big regenerates me, and puts the world into perspective.

#2 Philly! I love to travel, and although I have been to areas around Philly, I have never actually seen the city. The National Convention for NCTE is there, and I am a presenter. I hope to learn a lot from other teachers, authors, and teacher-educators. Plus I get to spend a weekend with Joyce, which is guaranteed to be fun and crazy.

#3 Graduation! This is bitersweet, but right now I could really use a paycheck (see previous blog). Class is my haven. Nothing beats a classroom of people who are as smart, or smarter, than me engaging in a juicy discussion. I miss this already, but I do really love being in the classroom. I'm ready to move on with the next stage of my life.

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